Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Last Sunday we saw how immediately after Pentecost “many wonders and signs were done through the apostles” (Acts 2:43). Acts 3 records one of these great ‘wonders and signs’—the healing a beggar who was born lame! A healing so complete that the man was instantly “walking, leaping, and praising God”! Peter declared, “the faith which comes through Him has given him this perfect soundness” (Acts 3:16). Join us as we worship the LORD together and discover what it means for Jesus to not simply be our Spirit Baptizer, but also our Healer!
Sunday May 29, 2022
Sunday May 29, 2022
Sunday May 29, 2022
Join us as we worship and continue our journey through the book of Acts. Luke gives us a glimpse into the daily life of the early Christians in Jerusalem (Acts 2:42-47). A life characterized by great 'devotion’ to their resurrected and ascended Lord. A life filled with the Word, fellowship, prayer, and miracles. A life of love demonstrated in meeting each others needs. A life empowered by the Spirit that is a healthy model for all our lives!
Sunday May 22, 2022
Acts (Part 5) Immersed in the life of God
Sunday May 22, 2022
Sunday May 22, 2022
After the 120 were baptized/immersed in the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, Peter stood up and proclaimed the prophecy of Joel was being fulfilled, "I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh" (Acts 2:18). The visible work of the Spirit in the life of the church demonstrates that Jesus of Nazareth has been installed as the Messianic King! A King who desires every person, from every part of society, to be filled with His Life as vessels of His Spirit! Join us as we worship the LORD and dive into Acts 2.
Sunday May 15, 2022
Acts (Part 4) - The Importance and power of speaking in tongues
Sunday May 15, 2022
Sunday May 15, 2022
Jesus proclaimed, "These signs will follow those who believe... they will speak with new tongues" (Mark 16:17). This mighty ‘sign’ first emerged at Pentecost (Acts 2). And it continued to bless the church throughout its growth (Acts 10, Acts 19; 1 Cor. 12-14). Paul wrote, "I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you!” (1 Cor. 14:18) What are the different ways in which ‘tongues’ manifests in Scripture? Why was Paul so thankful for tongues? How are tongues a blessing to the believer? Join us as we worship the LORD and delve into the Scriptures!
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
What is the purpose of the Law? What does it mean to not be ‘under the Law’? What does it mean to ‘receive its witness”’ How does the Apostle Paul talk about the Law in Galatians and Romans in comparison to how he applies the Law in 1 Corinthians? How does our understanding of what Paul teaches about the law effect how we ‘meditate on the law day and night’?
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
oin us as we continue our study through the book New Creation Realities. We will be looking at what it means to share in the resurrection life of Christ! We have been raised, washed, seated, and clothed with power from the age to come! Are we truly living as if we are enthroned children of the Father in Heaven? “Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christis” (Col. 3:1).
Sunday May 08, 2022
Acts (pt 3) Baptized in The Holy Spirit and fire
Sunday May 08, 2022
Sunday May 08, 2022
Join as we worship the LORD and continue our journey through the book of Acts! We will be looking at the foundational event of Pentecost. The day when the promise that the church would be baptized “in the Holy Spirit and fire” came to fruition! What do the tongues of fire mean for us today? How can we rely on the Spirit and Fire to be built up and empowered for witness in our own lives? Join us and find out!
Sunday May 01, 2022
The Acts of the Risen Lord (Part 2)
Sunday May 01, 2022
Sunday May 01, 2022
Join us as we worship! We will be delving into Acts 1:12-26. There are many lessons we can glean from what transpired the ten days between the ascension to Pentecost. The importance of being "one accord" in prayer and praise, the multi-faceted meaning of the “120” who were gathered in the Upper Room, how God replaces betrayers with gifts, how the church is the True Israel called to be a blessing to the world, and much more!
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Join us we digest at a greater level what it means to be in Christ! What does it mean to be ‘new creation’? To be ‘partakers of the divine nature’? To be connected to ‘the Vine’, ‘the Truth’, and ‘the Life’? To be given ‘the same glory that the Father gave Jesus’? To be ‘the light of the world’? Join us as we open the Word and sink the roots of our being into these glorious truths!
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Twice in the New Testament Christians are commanded to "be tenderhearted" (Eph. 4:32; 1 Pet. 3:8). Proverbs tells us, “Above all else, guard your heart” (Prov. 4:23). Last Sunday we looked at Jeremiah, this Sunday we will look at Ezekiel. Ezekiel gives us a second prophetic perspective into how God can completely transforms the hard-hearts of His people. He shows us how God graciously comes to those who have been humbled, fills them with new creation life, and causes them to walk with a new softened and sensitive heart on the inside!